Upcoming Events
Upcoming Events
Winds Upcoming Concerts
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A Christmas Side by Side
with Reeths Puffer Band
Reeths Puffer High School Theatre
1545 North Roberts Rd. Muskegon, MI 49445
Red Cedar Community Band Festival
Okemos High School, Okemos
Winners & Winds
Fruitport Performing Arts Center
Unidad en Ritmo Concert
with Shoreline Community Orchestra
Frauenthal Center, Muskegon

WINDS Tour Performance Flashback– Good News!
The WINDs performance at St. Giles raised money that was used as an outreach to youth.
Giving Tuesday is December 3rd
December 3rd is “Giving Tuesday”, a global day of generosity. As we enter this holiday season, please consider donating to the WINDS Endowment Fund.
Two easy ways to donate to the WINDS Endowment Fund:
- Write a check to the Community Foundation, with our Fund name in the memo line, and drop it in the mail to them at 425 W. Western Ave., Suite 200, Muskegon MI 49440. Or give online right now at muskegonfoundation.org. From the “Give” drop down menu, select “Our Funds” and type in “WINDS”.
- Be Tax-Smart - Make a Qualified Charitable Distribution. If you’re 70 1⁄2 or older, you can directly transfer up to $100,000 of your Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) per year to the WINDS, without paying tax on the distribution. Contact your financial advisor to initiate the gift. Our federal tax ID number is 38-2370939.
As always, thank-you for supporting the WINDS!
Our Mission
Our Mission
The West Michigan Concert Winds strives to be an outstanding concert band, recognized for its excellence both in West Michigan and across the nation. Read More
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